Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Champion Goblin

Started work on a new Goblin. This is the Champion Goblin. One Goblin, chosen out of every generation by the Elder, to lead the Goblins into battle. Considering he survives, he becomes the next in line to be the Elder Goblin.
Still very much a WIP, going to go back and change stuff once I have rested eyes.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lordaeron Crest

I'm officially out of school and I decided to beef up my portfolio and get some practice in while job searching. So I will be posting up some work/WIPs as much as possible.

First piece:


Modeling Complete. Time Spent: 50minutes
The Challenge with this was the optimization, which made up half of the time spent. Trying to keep the tri count low without losing silhouette. I set the 400 tri limit for myself, and in the end had to shave down about 100 extra tris to meet that mark.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A New Age...

So, I've just been cleared for graduation from AI, and I decided that it would be a good time to try and do this blog thing again. Fresh Start.

Here is my new portfolio webpage, where you can find my reel and various art pieces i created over the course of my time at AI:


For your convenience:

The journey has been both a fun and stressful one, I've grown much. I trust that it has greatly prepared me for what lies ahead...